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  July 2024 Temperature Data

Today's High: 80.0°F Today's Avg: 79.4°FToday's Low: 79.1°F
Jul Average High: 96°FJuly AVG: 83.5°FJul Average Low: 71.4°F
Highest High: 103.3°F - day 7HIGHSLowest High: 79.8°F - day 27*
Days the high temp was 100 and over: 4
Days the high temp was 95 to 99.9: 15
Days the high temp was 90 to 94.9: 5
Days the high temp was 85 to 89.9: 2
Days the high temp was 75 to 79.9: 1
Highest Low: 79.1°F - day 27*LOWSLowest Low: 64.5°F - day 22
Days the low temp was 60 to 69.9: 13
Days the low temp was 70 to 79.9: 14

AVG High: 92.9°FJul 27th - STATION AVG: 80.6°FAVG Low: 69.7°F
High: 79.8°F at 12:05aJul 27 - 2024 AVG: 79.4°FLow: 79.1°F at 12:35a
High Wind: 13 mph at 2:20aPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 3.9 mph
High: 106.8°F at 4:40pJul 27 - 2023 AVG: 91.2°FLow: 76.6°F at 5:20a
High Wind: 21 mph at 7:25pPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 3.4 mph
High: 92.8°F at 5:25pJul 27 - 2022 AVG: 81.0°FLow: 70.3°F at 6:55a
High Wind: 21 mph at 4:45pPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 5.4 mph
High: 93.8°F at 5:45pJul 27 - 2021 AVG: 81.5°FLow: 68.0°F at 6:10a
High Wind: 15 mph at 3:30pPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 3.2 mph
High: 93.6°F at 5:50pJul 27 - 2020 AVG: 80.2°FLow: 67.4°F at 6:35a
High Wind: 13 mph at 12:35aPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 3.3 mph
High: 100.3°F at 4:25pJul 27 - 2019 AVG: 85.1°FLow: 73.4°F at 7:10a
High Wind: 26 mph at 6:30pPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 4.0 mph
High: 89.3°F at 3:40pJul 27 - 2018 AVG: 74.5°FLow: 65.1°F at 3:00a
High Wind: 25 mph at 12:05aPrecip: 0.52 inAvg Wind Speed 5.8 mph
High: 87.8°F at 11:05aJul 27 - 2017 AVG: 77.8°FLow: 71.1°F at 5:50a
High Wind: 18 mph at 11:05aPrecip: 0.06 inAvg Wind Speed 4.5 mph
High: 94.4°F at 4:10pJul 27 - 2016 AVG: 80.8°FLow: 68.6°F at 3:55a
High Wind: 13 mph at 2:25aPrecip: 0.25 inAvg Wind Speed 1.4 mph
High: 98.1°F at 4:50pJul 27 - 2015 AVG: 84.7°FLow: 70.8°F at 6:55a
High Wind: 34 mph at 2:05pPrecip: 0.17 inAvg Wind Speed 3.0 mph
High: 102.0°F at 3:20pJul 27 - 2014 AVG: 89.1°FLow: 70.3°F at 11:55p
High Wind: 39 mph at 10:40pPrecip: 0.12 inAvg Wind Speed 4.7 mph
High: 83.4°F at 4:05pJul 27 - 2013 AVG: 72.4°FLow: 62.3°F at 1:05a
High Wind: 27 mph at 12:45aPrecip: 1.13 inAvg Wind Speed 3.3 mph
High: 89.5°F at 12:05pJul 27 - 2012 AVG: 79.0°FLow: 69.8°F at 5:05a
High Wind: 27 mph at 12:35pPrecip: 0.06 inAvg Wind Speed 2.0 mph
High: 97.8°F at 6:05pJul 27 - 2011 AVG: 81.9°FLow: 68.4°F at 6:05a
High Wind: 24 mph at 7:50pPrecip: 0.05 inAvg Wind Speed 1.5 mph
High: 92.7°F at 5:30pJul 27 - 2010 AVG: 78.8°FLow: 67.1°F at 6:40a
High Wind: 20 mph at 8:00pPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 1.3 mph
High: 99.5°F at 3:50pJul 27 - 2009 AVG: 84.8°FLow: 72.3°F at 7:40a
High Wind: 16 mph at 2:40pPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 1.7 mph
High: 80.2°F at 3:10pJul 27 - 2008 AVG: 70.0°FLow: 64.4°F at 12:10a
High Wind: 1 mph at 10:35pPrecip: 1.07 inAvg Wind Speed 0.0 mph
High: 90.3°F at 5:30pJul 27 - 2007 AVG: 78.4°FLow: 70.4°F at 12:00m
High Wind: 23 mph at 4:00aPrecip: 0.00 inAvg Wind Speed 4.0 mph
AVG MAX High: 103.2°FJuly STATION AVG: 82.6°FAVG MIN Low: 64.2°F
High: 103.3°F - day 7July - 2024 AVG: 83.5°FLow: 64.5°F - day 22
High Wind: 42 mph - day 9Precip: 0.96 inAvg Wind Speed 4.3 mph
High: 109.3°F - day 19July - 2023 AVG: 89.4°FLow: 63.5°F - day 1
High Wind: 40 mph - day 22Precip: 1.21 inAvg Wind Speed 4.5 mph
High: 106.5°F - day 19July - 2022 AVG: 84.5°FLow: 66.5°F - day 30
High Wind: 33 mph - day 7Precip: 1.27 inAvg Wind Speed 4.3 mph
High: 99.8°F - day 10July - 2021 AVG: 80.1°FLow: 62.9°F - day 24
High Wind: 46 mph - day 11Precip: 1.49 inAvg Wind Speed 3.5 mph
High: 107.7°F - day 12July - 2020 AVG: 85.6°FLow: 64.8°F - day 25
High Wind: 38 mph - day 31Precip: 1.91 inAvg Wind Speed 4.0 mph
High: 103.0°F - day 21July - 2019 AVG: 84.5°FLow: 62.9°F - day 8
High Wind: 38 mph - day 29Precip: 0.30 inAvg Wind Speed 4.6 mph
High: 104.8°F - day 22July - 2018 AVG: 82.7°FLow: 64.4°F - day 1
High Wind: 44 mph - day 29Precip: 1.74 inAvg Wind Speed 4.6 mph
High: 104.4°F - day 4July - 2017 AVG: 80.9°FLow: 65.0°F - day 28
High Wind: 38 mph - day 20Precip: 3.47 inAvg Wind Speed 4.3 mph
High: 106.4°F - day 24July - 2016 AVG: 86.5°FLow: 65.1°F - day 2
High Wind: 41 mph - day 15Precip: 0.63 inAvg Wind Speed 2.9 mph
High: 101.8°F - day 2July - 2015 AVG: 80.8°FLow: 63.5°F - day 9
High Wind: 37 mph - day 7Precip: 3.33 inAvg Wind Speed 2.6 mph
High: 103.6°F - day 26July - 2014 AVG: 82.7°FLow: 65.3°F - day 7
High Wind: 40 mph - day 1Precip: 0.62 inAvg Wind Speed 2.8 mph
High: 101.7°F - day 7July - 2013 AVG: 79.7°FLow: 62.3°F - day 27
High Wind: 35 mph - day 17Precip: 2.96 inAvg Wind Speed 3.6 mph
High: 99.6°F - day 1July - 2012 AVG: 81.1°FLow: 64.8°F - day 8
High Wind: 32 mph - day 22Precip: 1.31 inAvg Wind Speed 2.0 mph
High: 101.3°F - day 9July - 2011 AVG: 84.6°FLow: 65.8°F - day 4
High Wind: 31 mph - day 20Precip: 0.62 inAvg Wind Speed 2.6 mph
High: 103.3°F - day 19July - 2010 AVG: 80.0°FLow: 63.4°F - day 5
High Wind: 34 mph - day 6Precip: 2.25 inAvg Wind Speed 2.5 mph
High: 103.6°F - day 14July - 2009 AVG: 83.4°FLow: 65.9°F - day 3
High Wind: 35 mph - day 3Precip: 1.82 inAvg Wind Speed 2.5 mph
High: 97.5°F - day 6July - 2008 AVG: 76.8°FLow: 62.4°F - day 18
High Wind: 36 mph - day 4Precip: 8.92 inAvg Wind Speed 2.9 mph
High: 100.4°F - day 2July - 2007 AVG: 79.7°FLow: 62.7°F - day 5
High Wind: 33 mph - day 29Precip: 1.55 inAvg Wind Speed 3.3 mph

The weather data presented here is based on data collected since April 3rd 2007
Monthly & Daily Temperature Data and History script created by LasCruces-Weather.com
Graphs created with Fusion Charts